SNES and NES Portable Game System
It is well documented that men love video games. Men also love women that let them play video games. Consider this retro portable game system as a great gift idea for the gaming type of man.
Sleeping Bag Tent Jacket
Do you need to buy something for an outdoorsy type of guy? This may be the PERFECT gift. It is unusual. It is useful. It is pretty darn awesome.
Replica Marty McFly Hat
Maybe you know that the men you are shopping for loved Back to the Future? If so, this gift idea is perfect. The Marty McFly replica hat is spot on. Your guy will love it, if he loved the movie.
Cooler Scooter
What part of the cooler scooter doesn’t scream: “I AM AN AWESOME GUY GIFT“? None. The answer is none. There is no part of this bad boy that isn’t the perfect gift idea for many men.
Daddy Diaper Bag
This is a great gift for the man that is a newly crowned father. No guy wants to go out with a foofy diaper beg. Get him his own bag.
Millennium Falcon Sun Shade
This may be the coolest sun shade ever created. If he loves Star Wars, he is going to love this.
8 Pounds of Cereal Marshmallows
For the man that has a little bit of boy still in him. Does he like quirky and unusual gifts? Does he like marshmallows in his cereal? Bingo.
USB Missile Launcher
Men with office jobs will love this USB missile launcher. They control it from their computer. If he doesn’t work at an overly strict office, this could be the perfect gift idea for him.
Remote Controlled Cooler
Men like remote controlled things. They also like cold drinks. Combine these two things and you may have a winner.
Star Trek Polo
Is your man a trekkie? If so, this is a perfect gift idea for him.
Doctor Who Remote Control
It is well known that guys like to control the TV. Some men would love to control the TV while holding a Doctor Who remote control. Is your man that kind of man?
BBQ Sword
A sword made for roasting and barbecuing things? Awesome. What kind of a man wouldn’t want one of these? I’m afraid of the answer to that question.
Trailer Hitch Vault
Trucks. Rugged. Manly. Money. Valuable. Protection. Trailer Hitch Vault. Good Guy Gift.
Camera Lens Mug
This is the perfect gift for men who love photography. It’s an amazing thermos replica of a camera lens.
Pocket Chainsaw
The pocket chainsaw is an incredible survival and outdoor tool. It folds into a very small pouch that has a belt loop or can fit into a pocket.
Lego USB Flash Drive 4GB
Check this out. It’s a lego man that has half lego body and half USB body. It is on a keychain and could be a perfect and inexpensive gift for a nerdier man.
Functioning Lego Mug
Continuing the Lego theme, this mug is way cool. You can create different Lego mug creations!
Robotic Lawn Mower
Yard work. Some men like it, some men hate it. There are men out there who would love to mess with this robotic gadget and to get it to cut their lawn, instead of having to cut the lawn themselves.
Credit Card Folding Knife
A very handy tool that could fit in the wallet of the man that you are shopping for. Would he appreciate it? If so, go for it!
Doctor Who Tardis Garbage Bin
Alert! Alert! Alert! A sweet Doctor Who product! You know the drill. You know the man. Does this fit him?
Motorized Monocycle
I can imagine myself cruising down the street like a king on this motorized monocycle. If the men in your life like automotive stuff, this could be your winner.
Darth Vader and Son Children’s Book
Yes, it is a children’s book. But, it is the kind of book that you will want to leave out on the coffee table. This is the perfect gift for new fathers.
Warplane Ceiling Fan
Warplanes are cool. Warplane ceiling fans are literally cool. If the guy in your life is a big history or plane buff, this may be just the perfect item for him. Think about it.