8 Pounds of Cereal Marshmallows

8 Pounds of Cereal Marshmallows
$45.99 on Amazon
Your favorite candy cereal
is just a bag away.
Such an endless stash
will bring an end to your dismay.

No more will you be strung
upon the leash of Lucky Charms
when you possess the option
to make some with your own arms!

The 8 pounds of cereal marshmallows are made by the Kraft company. The cereal marshmallows are assorted colors and kinds. They are dehydrated.

A User Review For You: "We are now swimming in marshmallows! Seriously, 8 pounds of marshmallows is so many! It's been pretty sweet to have them around. The mellows have that night crunch to them and came very fresh. At our home, we decided it would be best to put the 8 pounds into 8 large Ziploc bags. Buy this big old bag If you like cereal marshmallows!"