Storm Trooper Ice

You can use this mold for more than just ice. How about making finger Jello with them? Just mix up a batch of your favorite Jello flavor, and make sure that you put enough gelatin in the mix so that your Jello pieces will not fall apart. Pour the Jello into the mold. Make several dozen and line them up, clone-like, on a serving tray. If you are using different colors, consider putting the same color on one tray. After all, they are clones of each other.
Don't stop with Jello! You can use this as a candy mold. Melt some chocolate, then pour the melted chocolate into the molds, and let them harden. You can clone yourself a bunch of chocolate stormtrooper heads. This is great for a kid's party, or even your own party.
To make them even better, use white chocolate to make your candy, then use a clean, thin brush, dip it into some melted dark chocolate, and paint some details onto the white chocolate helmet. If you want the "wow" factor, this will do it.
The silicone tray can withstand heat of up to 446F, so you can use it to bake bite-sized stormtrooper cupcakes. You may have to use a recipe for a dense cake because a fluffy cake will fall apart. You can use these tiny cakes as decoration on a bigger cake.
This ice tray is a great addition to any kitchen. Get a few so you can make several batches together and save time.
This is a great item for any Star Wars fan! The silicone tray has detailed molds in the shape of storm trooper helmets. It is easy to use, and is perfect for making ice cubes, molded chocolates, or even shaped jellies. Cold and heat resistant. Makes a perfect addition to any Star Wars party or movie night.