Where’s Waldo Wall Mural

Measuring 2.53m by 2.70m, the mural is suitable for any wall in your home. It's designed in such a way that it's easy to trim down for a smaller size. Adding it to a larger wall? Use it as an accent corner or center it on the wall so that it can be seen by everyone coming into the room. The wall mural is easy to hang and even more fun to enjoy. After all, who doesn't need a few more hours playing hidden picture games in their lives?
It's the perfect excuse for late homework. Do you have a child who is chronically late turning in their homework? Are you a college student who can't seem to get your act together and get your assignments turned in? The Where's Waldo Wall Mural is the perfect excuse! After all, who can fault you for hours spent searching the details of a Where's Waldo wall?
Zone out when your spouse is talking. Have you ever found yourself wishing that you had something to do while your spouse talked at you--preferably either something that they would consider excusable, if not something that they won't even notice? Your spouse won't be able to blame you for studying the Where's Waldo Wall Mural. In fact, if you find an item that has previously eluded you both, the lecture might just be transformed into an opportunity to stare at the wall mural together.
Add a new dimension to time out. If you have kids, you know that time out is an effective discipline tool when it's used correctly. The best way to use it correctly? Use time out as a time to redirect and calm down. With the Where's Waldo Wall Mural, sending the kids to time out immediately takes on a new dimension. What child could remain in a bad mood after five to ten minutes carefully studying everything that the wall mural has to offer?
Make your playroom unique and fascinating. Have you ever wished that your child's playroom was more exciting than your own? The Where's Waldo Wall Mural is an instant upgrade, the perfect way to take your playroom to the next level.
The Where's Waldo Wall Mural is the perfect addition to any room in any home. Whether you want to make your child's playroom fancier, give your living room a new conversation piece that will improve the quality of any party, or give yourself something to do when you're stuck in your office and the urge to work just isn't there, try out this mural for all of your decorating needs. It's good for hours of procrastination!