Wireless Baby Vitals Monitor

Feeding Time Reassurance
The first time your little one stretches out a little bit longer between feedings is usually cause for panic. In fact, you'll find yourself waking up with a gasp, checking your clock while your heart pounds as you wonder whether baby has actually just met a new milestone or has stopped breathing in your sleep. A quick glance at your baby vitals monitor, however, will be enough to calm your heart rate and let you go back to sleep for a little longer.
Lay Nap Time Worries to Rest
Most days, little ones sleep pretty regularly. They thrive on routine: going down at around the same time and waking up at about the same time every single day. Sometimes, however, your little one will throw you for a loop. You're puttering around the house, waiting to hear those telltale noises that let you know your little one is up and ready for your attention. There's just one problem: there are no sounds. None. Your heart starts pounding. You creep toward the doorway, listening carefully. Eventually, you might even go so far as to open the door and check on your little one. Depending on how soundly they sleep, with that creaking hinge, the game is up! Your little one bolts awake, disoriented and furious that they were awakened from their much-needed slumber.
With the Wireless Baby Vitals Monitor, however, you don't need to worry! You can simply check in on them and see that they're simply catching up on some much-needed extra sleep--which means you can take care of that extra chore, actually finish that chapter you're reading, or even watch another episode of your favorite guilty pleasure on Netflix without the Mommy guilt.
Be Alerted If There's an Emergency
It's a hard reality, but it's true: there are some babies who, for whatever reason, do stop breathing in their sleep. SIDS is a terrifying possibility for any parent. With this monitor, however, you can be alerted immediately if your baby is in trouble. Too drastic a change in heart rate, whether it's too high or too low, and your iPhone(which needs to be running iOS 8.0 or higher) will notify you immediately. The monitor is also compatible with many other Apple devices.
There's nothing like the peace of mind you'll receive from knowing that even when your baby is out of sight, you can still monitor them perfectly. This technology is a necessity for parents of babies with health problems, but even parents of perfectly healthy babies will love the constant reassurance and ability to check in on their little one whenever they like. You'll never have to wake a sleeping baby because of your nerves again!