Gigantic Umbrella

Gigantic Umbrella
$44.29 on Amazon
The outdoors just got a whole lot more enjoyable with this gigantic umbrella. There is nothing worse than planning something outdoors, only to have it spoiled by the weather. Be it too sunny, windy or rainy, this umbrella can alleviate some of the planning stress to ensure everyone has a good time. This umbrella can come in handy at just about any outdoor gathering.

Are your sideline cheers threatened with some light rain for the final soccer game of the season? No worries, the umbrella will set up with ease and allow you to sit underneath it’s protective span on a dry chair – tucked away from the rain and wind from three sides.

Is the forecast showing full sun for your beach day? No problem, this umbrella offers up to nine feet of shade coverage and the material protects against up to 99% of the sun’s harmful rays. You can take a break from the heat in the protection of the shade and have a cool beverage and a snack. You can even stretch out on your towel and catch a quick nap listening to the waves as they wash ashore.

Don’t forget the umbrella on your next spring picnic with the family. While the wind is great for flying kites, it’s not so great when you’re trying to eat! Spread your blanket below this umbrella to help block the wind so you can enjoy your lunch without having the wind threaten to send your goodies off to Oz!

While the umbrella can’t guarantee you’ll have fun or make your event perfect, it can definitely lend a helping hand in making the unexpected elements more tolerable. There are many places and events you can incorporate this accessory. It folds up into a nice carrying case, complete with tethers and stakes to ensure set up is easy and secure each time.