Red Ruby Slippers Doorstop

when your door shuts and opens
and there's nothing at all
to stop its unwanted motions.
They say there's a magic
to keep doors from going,
and it stops them all
even when there's wind blowing!
I just did a little research and learned that the ruby red slippers that Judy Garland wore as Dorthy in the filming of The Wizard of Oz are one of THE MOST treasured film memorabilia of all time. There were at least five pairs of ruby red slippers created and worn during the filming. One pair were stolen in 2005 and nobody knows where they went.
It's interesting to note that the novel for which the movie is based off of actually have Dorthy wearing silver slippers. Why did the movie change them to red? You know producers, they like to change things. They wanted to take advantage of some new color technology and felt like red would be much better on film than silver.
These red ruby slippers seem to be on the feet of the now dead Wicked Witch of the East. Her sister is not going to be very happy to learn what your door did. These slippers are made from cast iron and are painted in beautiful color.
A User Review For You: "I have nothing bad to say about this doorstop, nothing at all. It is extremely well made and tough. The slippers are adorable to see sticking out from the door. It really looks like a scene out of The Wizard of Oz. People love seeing it and make comments about it. The doorstop works and is heavy enough to hold up doors. It's wonderful!"