Colorful Smoke Grenade
These wire pull grenades are available in seven colors to give you many tactical choices. They are built with a military grade ignition system designed for easy and effective activation so you can rest assured you will miss none of the action. They have 90 seconds of burn time yet are cool burning to assist completing your game successfully.
The next time you are in a paintball or airsoft game and have sparse cover or need to overcome an opposing team which outnumbers your team, then you will be glad you have this grenade at your disposal. Its easy to activate wire pull ignition system will give you that opportunity you need for your plan to succeed for your team. The colorful smoke will distract your opponents for your tactical advantage of surprise and to help you win.
This is Enola Gaye's most advanced gaming grenade yet. If you are serious about your gaming and you want to make sure you are prepared for all tactical situations, then you will want this colorful, easy activating smoke grenade. Be ready to win with a tactical advantage unparalleled in paintball or airsoft with these smoke grenades.