Electronic Doggie Door
Even though dog doors have a lot of benefits to them, pet owners do have some concerns with traditional dog doors. The main concern is about which other animals might be able to come into the house. Friendly neighborhood cats, wandering dogs, or even a possum might be curious as to what is behind the dog door. A solution to this problem is the electronic doggie door.
The electronic doggie door allows your animals to freely go in and out of the house, but at the same time keeps other animals from entering. The animals who will be using the dog door have to wear a detector on their collar which will unlock the dog door when the pet comes within 3 feet of the door.
This specialized dog door also comes with 3 settings, which are automatic, locked and unlocked. The automatic setting is designed to only let animals through who are wearing the detector. The locked setting is designed to not allow any animal through the dog door, and the unlocked setting is designed to let all animals through the dog door.
Customers have had difficulty with older models of this product, but there is a new model which has gotten positive reviews. The newer model has a frosted flap and the locking mechanism for the door has been delayed for a couple of seconds so the door has time to stop moving before it locks. In the previous model, with the clear flap, the door would not have enough time to stop moving before the locking mechanism set in and this would jam the door. This was the largest negative comment about the first model of the dog door, but has now been fully fixed.