Golf Club Pens
If you have a friend who is a fan of golf, you might find that this gift is something that would be perfect for him or her, but if you are a fan of the game yourself, you're going to want to keep these to yourself and be the only one with the cool pens. This set includes three pens with the looks of golf clubs, and a cute, little golf bag to hold them. These pens look just like actual golf clubs, only smaller. They have detailed finishes, and they fit perfectly inside the tiny golf bag.
Want to take your game with you to the office? You can do that now, you can do it any day you like. These pens will keep you thinking of brighter times while you are working. These pens will impress your friends and let the world know just what sport has your allegiance. With blue, black, and red ink, this set of pens keeps you ready for anything, whatever life throws at you. Use club shaped pens in the office as you get your work day in, then head out to the course and pick up a real club.