Portable Camping Grill

$28.25 on Amazon
The portable camping grill by UCO is the perfect grill for those who love to cook over a campfire. The grill folds up into its own stainless steel tube. The assembled grill is 9.1 by 10.2 inch size. The grill cleans up in a snap since it has its own built-in cleaning grove allowing you to clean the grill rods. Since it is dishwasher safe, it can be further cleaned at home. This German-designed grill is guaranteed to give you years of enjoyment regardless of where you use it. You will find so many uses for this grill, but here are some ideas to get your started.


Before you head up your favorite path, make sure to take this portable grill along. Weighing around a pound, you will not even notice the additional weight, but you will love the food you can prepare on it. Once you have found the perfect spot for your campfire, then assemble the grill and watch as the fire turns to hot embers. Then, place the grill over the embers and cook your favorite meal.


Is there anything better than a day fishing on the water while traveling to your favorite isolated island? Once there, simply build a campfire and watch as the sun goes down while waiting for the campfire to turn to embers. If you just cannot wait to eat the fish you caught from the boat, then move some of the embers off to the side and cook away.

Zombie Apocalyse

If you believe that the zombie apocalyse will occur in the future, you need this grill. Since it is made of stainless steel, it will last for years, while its small size allows it to easily be tucked into your survival kit. This grill comes with a hook allowing you to easily store it now, or hang it from the nearest tree when the apocalyse actually occurs.