1 Way Mirror Bird Feeder

Bird feeder designs have been updated with a new feature including one way mirrors being built in to them. The one way mirrors allow bird watchers to see the birds, but they can't see you. Suction cups hold the bird feeders up on to glass windows or patio doors. This enables you to watch birds from the comfort of your home. Attach them to windows by the kitchen, and you can watch them early in the morning while you drink your drink.
These unique bird feeders have two compartments for seed on each side of the mirror, so you can use two kinds of seeds if you want to attract a larger array of bird types. Song birds like bird food blends containing black oil sunflower seeds. Other birds like nuthatches prefer bird food that contains nuts of some kind. You can also just stick to using one kind of bird food as well. The seed from both compartments flows down onto a small ledge.
There is a perch in front of the ledge so the birds can sit on it to be able to eat easily. If you have the space, buy a few of these bird feeders, and try putting a group of them together on to the window. Some people might be concerned about the suction cups adhering well to the window. Just be sure you clean the glass before you attach them, and the bird feeders will stay where you want them to.