10 Marshmallow Roasting Stick

10 Marshmallow Roasting Stick
$19.95 on Amazon
Finding just the perfect branch
is just so hard at night,
and even then, will it burn up?
It’s made of wood! It might!

For ten whole ‘mallows
cooking safe and clean over the fire
you need this metal branch
to last through the heat of any pyre!

I am a man who loves a delicious smore. I have sometimes even microwaved marshmallows to create a smore. It's not nearly as good as roasting a mallow over an open fire. I don't really recommend it.

Another trick that I've heard of is roasting marshmallows over the stove top burners. I think that would give you the same results as roasting over a campfire. Actually, less campfire smoke. But, be weary of burning down your house.

Anyways, this 10 marshmallow roaster is genius. It resembles a branch of a tree. It has a fun and unique design shape. It's made from durable steel. The things that you can roast on it are almost limitless. It's up to you and your imagination.

A User Review For You: "This thing is awesome and huge. It's about fourty inches long. You can seriously roast 10 things at a time. Marshmallows are the perfect choice. If you choose to roast hot dogs, it's going to be a little heavy. The stick seems very tough and durable. The welds seem quality. I haven't used it forever, but, I have used it a few times. I like it. It's fun and unique."