Sea Serpent Sculpture

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scabs, and buccaneers
with this beast from off the map
inspiring great fear.
If you can't say "here be dragons"
'bout your plot of land,
it's time to buy this sea serpent
so terrible and grand!
The sea serpent sculpture is perfect for your garden or lawn. It is three separate pieces that have been hand cut from aged metal. They have a rustic appearance. Each piece has been crafted to allow two stakes to secure the piece. The stakes are included and are 6 inches long. The head of the sculpture is 19.5 inches by 25 inches. The body is 22.5 inches by 17 inches. The tail is 13 inches by 18 inches. As time goes on, the rustic color will become deeper and darker.
A User Review For You: "We live out in the country. We love gardening and keeping our yard looking nice. We thought it would be fun to place this sea serpent in the flower bed in the front yard. It really looks nice there. We have seen cars stop and kids pointing at the sea serpent. People seem to really like the yard piece! I am considering buying another sculpture for the back yard."