Your Stick Figure Family Was Delicious Sticker

Your Stick Figure Family Was Delicious Sticker
$2.99 on Amazon
Why is it that the most annoying people on the road seem to have the most wholesome and cutesy stickers slapped down on their rear windows. It's like they are trying to deprive you of your life given right to rage at them when they cut you off on the freeway! A line of stick figures depict their sickeningly adorable family holding their favorite object or playing their favorite sport on the tinted glass. As you sit there fuming at those vapid stick figures, you wonder what kind of sicko puts a checklist for any would be stalker on their rear window anyway. Your imagination slowly takes over and a huge white Tyrant King takes his place next to the now diminutive stick family. Their little dot eyes widen in terror as tooth and claw begin slash and chomp, the giant lizard standing triumphant in a field of stick debris still clamping his chops in a deliberate "nom nom nom" motion. Then they drive away, your short lived flight of fancy fades away in a cloud of carbon monoxide.

Until now! This 8"x5" sticker is the perfect way to capture that fleeting sense of glory we have all had while imagining releasing ravenous T-Rex at those that vex us! There have been made a few improvements to the original concept by including a couple of T-Rex young that join in by chasing down the surviving stick family members. Perhaps you could buy a few and, like the flying aces of World War II, place one whenever you have an imagined "kill". Remember, it takes 5 kills to become an ace!

StickerCiti brings you this delightfully evil (but funny!) original design. The sticker is made of 7 Years Premium quality Outdoor Vinyl Material. You won't find any cheap paper stickers here. It comes in three parts: the sticker, the backing paper and the clear transfer tape. It is proudly made in the U.S.A. is waterproof and self adhesive. The sticker will not fade or run when wet and can be applied to any flat clean surface. Don't feel constrained to keeping it on your rear window, it is small enough to fit onto the windows of your cars rear doors. Perhaps you could stick it to the back of your tablet or laptop and share your dark sense of humor with peers and co-workers.

Once you have applied the high quality vinyl to your rear window, imagine the look on the soccer mom's face behind you as you take that parking spot closest to the mall. Sit in the drive-thru of your favorite fast food restaurant and gloat as that family, while charming in stick figure form, becomes somewhat less wholesome in real life. The sound of wailing young children, the electronic drone of portable gaming devices and the smell of diapers and applesauce assault the senses of the parents as they are forced to contemplate the meaning of your sticker. Jealousy rises within them as you drive off with your single value meal, sipping your cola carefree while they tend to the far less pleasant reality their stick figure sticker represents.