Bubble Soccer Suit

Bubble Soccer Suit
$295.00 on Amazon
Have you ever wanted to be a sumo wrestler or have an action-packed game of human pillow fight? With Bubble Soccer, you can! All you need is a soccer ball, a few friends, and a zany bubble suit.

Lee Moseley created Bubble Soccer in Norway. Although many doubted the success of his creation, Moseley quit his job as an asbestos surveyor to create his dream product. The action-packed sport quickly spread throughout Europe where it is referred to as Bubble Football and Loopyball in Germany.

To play, you'll want teams of seven and, yes, this includes a goalie. Despite your hands being inside the bubble, you still want someone protecting the goal. The game works just like a regular soccer match with the added fun of running into each other as you try and steal the ball. Be prepared to slam into opponents or to get knocked on the ground yourself. If you're lucky, you'll bounce right back up and watch everyone else struggle to get on their feet.

You can laugh at your opponents guilt-free because play is very safe as the 0.8mm of PVC plastic protects you from head to knees and softens the impact when you fall. The inner handles and adjustable shoulder straps give you plenty of leverage inside the ball, and the two safety belts ensure that you stay in place. They fit anyone from 62 to 74 inches tall and 110 to 180 pounds. For additional sizes, contact Battle BallsTM. Set-up is easy taking just 2.5 to 4 minutes; simply use an air mattress pump to inflate.

To see this hilarious game in action, check out Chris Pratt and Jimmy Fallon playing on Late Night. You can be as awesome as they are by purchasing your very own ball of fun.