Bacon Lollipop

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to satisfy your bacon tooth,
try some sweetly lollipops
with bacon bits imbued.
It's everything you'd ever want
from greasy morning treats.
But after these, real bacon
maybe couldn't compete!
Man, people love their bacon. There are bacon products of all kinds. I've seen soap, bubble gum, hair product, etc. When I saw these bacon lollipops, I knew I had to feature them.
The neat thing is that they are not cheap, dinky pops. They are GOURMET bacon lollipops. This is for the serious bacon lover.
Included are six suckers. There are three flavors: barbecue, maple, and honey. You will get two of each delicious, tongue lickingly good flavors.
There are bacon bits in each sucker. Weirdly enough, there is no actual bacon in bacon bits. It's soy stuff with artificial flavors. You can suck on these bacon lollipops with satisfaction knowing that they were HAND crafted in the USA.